Abbreviations of classical sources cited
Religion in the Hellenistic world
1. The golden ass in a labryrinthian world
The fictive world of Apuleius
The cosmic world of Apuleius
The mythic world of Apuleius
The social world of apuleius
Hellenistic philosophy and the rational order of things
Philosophy in the Hellenistic world
Divination and the cosmic order of things
Specialization and senility.
3. The mysteries and the sovereignty of the feminine
The myth of Isis and Osiris
The great mother of the gods.
4. Reformation and innovations
The mysteries of Dionysus
The orgies of the Roman Bacchanalia
The Orphic myth of Dionysus
Alexander of Abonoteichus
5. Late Hellenistic gnosis
Christian and non-christian gnosis